Open Call Residency
Bulegoa z/b, Open Call for Residency 2018 Two proposals were selected for the Bulegoa z/b residency 2018: Espigadoras / Gleaners, by Claudia Pagès, and Negro fondo ultraterreno (Black Otherworldly Background) by Antonio Menchen. The jury made its decision in July 2018, members being José Ramón Ais (artist), Beatriz Herráez (art historian…(Read More)
One wall productions
Juan Domínguez wishes to suspend events and build an interval in time where his past can be integrated with his future. This work formulates his visions and need to encounter the unknown through language. This is the first time in sixteen years that Domínguez is working alone. Before, his solo pieces were choreographed…(Read More)
Screening of Détruire dit-elle (Marguerite Duras, 1969). Session proposed by Pablo Marte Illegal_Cinema’s new coordinator. Write. Film. Destroy Above all, write. And filming what is written. There is violence in the space that opens and closes between text and image. There is dependence and a complex relationship. An ancient one. Because writing…(Read More)
Other modes of residency
Presentation of Building. Methodologies for An Incipient Architecture, a project by Camila Téllez carried out during her residency in Bulegoa z/b in June – July 2018. Wherever we go, we carry with us the space of our own intimacy, a protohabitation. An unknown space inside our own body, but also the space immediately surrounding…(Read More)
One wall productions
Albuquerque Radio Picture Show is a radio program offered specifically to Bulegoa z/b. ABQradio’s audio content is made from a particular collection of LPs and CDs with an idea of using them like one could a tool. The impulse behind the radio program is to make things available in a way that is…(Read More)
One wall productions
Mark Chandler* Wall is a Verb When I understood that Bulegoa z/b planned on ‘launching’ ABQradio with an event on the Summer Solstice it made perfect sense to me to contribute to the festivities in Soloketxe by trying something out I had kicking around my work space as a way of celebrating my time…(Read More)
Other modes of residency
“(…) ‘to create a space in which to account for our own intimacy’. The formulation of a voice that ‘accounts for’ is related, for the Institute [of Architecture in Valparaíso], with ‘giving space for’.” [María Berrios: “Apuntes paratácticos sobre la poesía viva de la Escuela de Valparaíso”. In Eremuak#3, 2016…(Read More)
Dates: between May 15 and June 15 2018. In May 2018, Bulegoa z/b opens an application process for the position of Illegal_Cinema coordinator. Programme coordination will begin in July 2018 and end in July 2019 to be handed over to a new applicant. Tasks include accompanying the person proposing the film in conceiving and…(Read More)
Productions, The Book to Come
A space of seventy-two years separates Stéphane Mallarmé’s Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard and Broodthaers’ Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard (1897 to 1969, respectively). Broodthaers, a writer, “abandoned” writing to work as an artist on a book by another writer, Mallarmé, who…(Read More)