Zapi Zuria
SIX TRACKS BY DALL I sang during the Material Voices encounter dedicated to Paloma Chamorro, at Bulegoa z/b. This is the sound recording from that day, with the video track from the concert. Zapi Zuria is an online publishing initiative by Bulegoa z/b for the edition of contributions. Daniel Llaría is an…(Read More)
One wall productions
Once again, Bulegoa z/b will be celebrating its birthday in early November. You’re invited to come and celebrate our 12th anniversary with us at a party with pintxos, drinks and performances. 06:00 pm. Opening 06:30 pm. Sanfran korue 07:30 pm. Cecilia Payne 08:30 pm: Kakofunk 09:00 pm: Élan…(Read More)
Three screenings proposed by Bob Curwen, followed by discussion. Monday, November 21, 7:00 pm Screamers (Christian Duguay, 1998). Based on Philip Dick’s short story Second Variety (1953). Tuesday, November 22, 7:00 pm Naked Lunch (David Cronenberg, 1991). Based on William Burroughs’ 1959 novel. Wednesday, November 23, 7:00 pm Zombi (George Romero…(Read More)
Urak dakar - Encounters
Urak dakar encounters. Two days of conferences and performances for thinking in situ, in space and about the place. DATES 2022/11/18-2022/11/19 VENUE Bizkaia Aretoa-UPV/EHU Mikel Laboa & Pío Baroja Abandoibarra 3 48009-Bilbao REGISTRATION Conferences will be streamed. Simultaneous translation into Basque, English and Spanish will…(Read More)
Urak dakar, Urak dakar - Film programme
Urak dakar film programme. In collaboration with Zinebi 64, International Festival of Documentary and Short Film of Bilbao. Date: 2022/11/16 Venue: Auditorium of the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum Ticket: 5 € FILM PROGRAMME 5:00 pm A la vuelta del grito (Colectivo Cine de Clase, Helena Lumbreras- Mariano Lisa, 1976-1978, 40’) Handsworth Songs (John…(Read More)
BGE, Itziar Okariz, Lessons
Fourth session of the study group Itziar Okariz: Trabajar con material (Working with Material). Bulegoa z/b’s space will be open to the public after the working session. The artist has installed materials belonging to Gravity (2022) and some notes for a future fanzine that study group participants are working on: Gravity: Five helium…(Read More)
Urak dakar - Workshops
This workshop, led by Tripak, is one of the activities in Urak dakar, the 2022-2023 edition of Space is the Place / The Place is Space. This programme aims to analyse the role of art as a critical practice that provides us with tools for pausing, looking and situating ourselves in the world, for creating…(Read More)
Other modes of residency
Presentation by Ian Clewe and Leon Filter, concluding their residency at Bulegoa z/b as invited artists in residence. DATES AND HOURS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC October 26, 2022, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm October 27, 28, 29, 2022 & November 2, 3, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm BIBLIOGRAFÍA DE…(Read More)
BGE, Itziar Okariz
Third session of the study group Itziar Okariz: Trabajar con material (Working with Material). Bulegoa z/b’s space will be open to the public after the working session. The artist has installed materials belonging to the following works: Acciones con moscas (1997), photo Palomas (1998), video Gravity: 5 globos de helio desinflándose (2009…(Read More)