“Under a juniper-tree the bones sang, scattered and shining We are glad to be scattered, we did little good to each other, Under a tree in the cool of day, with the blessing of sand, Forgetting themselves and each other, united In the quiet of the desert. (…)” Ash Wednesday by T. S. Eliot Screening…(Read More)
Space is the Place / The Place is Space
X never, ever marks the spot by Marion Cruza Le Bihan & Aitor Izagirre is the fourth session of Space is The Place/The Place is Space, a programme structured around periodical encounters. The programme aims to analyse the role of art as a critical practice offering tools to stop, look and situate ourselves in…(Read More)
Open Call Residency
Opening of Yen Noh’s installation and walking exhibition as part of her residency at Bulegoa z/b. Her proposal The Im/possible Avant-garde: Can We Talk About MAVO? was chosen, together with Camino a Far Lands by Oriol Ocaña Mariné, for residency in 2019; members of the jury for which were I…(Read More)
One wall productions
Once again, Bulegoa z/b will be celebrating its birthday in early November. You’re invited to come and celebrate our ninth anniversary with us at a party with pintxos, drinks and performances. 18:00. Opening 18:30. Txaranga Urretabizkaia 19:30: Garazi Navas 20:30: NIZE 21:00: Garazi Gorostiaga 21:30: Santamarica…(Read More)
Close Encounters, Space is the Place / The Place is Space
Sven Lütticken’s The Globalist City and Terrestrial Alliances is the third encounter of Space is The Place/The Place is Space. The structure of the program takes the shape of periodical encounters. It aims to analyse the role of art as a critical practice which offers tools for stopping, looking and situating ourselves…(Read More)
Screening of The Girls of Kamare (René Viénet, 1974), proposed by Yen Noh and Sven Lütticken and followed by discussion. René Viénet’s film The Girls of Kamare is largely based on the Japanese film Terrifying Girls’ High School: Lynch Law Classroom. A former member of the Situationist International and Sinologist, Vi…(Read More)
Open Call Residency
Yen Noh will be opening her residency at Bulegoa z/b with a presentation. Her proposal The Im/possible Avant-garde: Can We Talk About MAVO? was chosen, together with Camino a Far Lands by Oriol Ocaña Mariné, for residency in 2019; members of the jury for which were Iñaki Garmendia (artist), Julia…(Read More)
One wall productions
Elena Aitzkoa and Marwa Arsanios present two projects: Paraíso terrenal (Earthly Paradise), and Who is Afraid of Ideology? within Display Series. Display Series is one of the lines in our programming and focuses on exhibition formats and installation. Our aim is to create encounters where both local and international artists can show their work…(Read More)
BGE, Course on Curating, Courses
Please come and take a stroll with me. A stroll down memory lane of 1990s exhibition making How did we get from the spirit of the smallest events –i.e. self-organised evenings of discourse and art– to a concept of exhibition making that informed a large-scale exhibition a decade later? And can any…(Read More)