Posts Viendo los archivos del año: "2011"

Screening of Las misiones pedagógicas (2006), a documentary by Gonzalo Tapia to mark the 80 anniversary of the proclamation of the Spanish Republic. Place: Karmelo-Solokoetxe Institutua (Solokoetxe 17). María Seco, La Taller, Krisis Factory, Solokoetxeko Auzo Elkartea, Bulegoa z/b take part in this activity…(Read More)

Screening of a film proposed by Jorge Núñez followed by a discussion. Illegal_cinema is an open and (self-)educational project for the exchange and contextualisation of something about which we don’t know: illegal cinema. The project is open to everyone who wants to propose films, with the concomitant obligation to speak about them…(Read More)

On this occasion I invite you to experience the before, during and after of a work’s production, and all of that simultaneously. I propose that you should spy on the intervals between the emergence of ideas for choreographies and the choreography of these ideas. The actions emphasise the relations between the writing and the…(Read More)