Forms of formless knowledge
“Pre-colonial, Colonial and Post-colonial Society and Culture in Equatorial Guinea”. Juan Aranzadi
(Talk/Presentation of the BUNGE [Biblioteca Universitaria de Guinea Ecuatorial – University Library of Equatorial Guinea] Collection of the UNED [Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia – Open University] publishers, and of the Anthropological and Inter-cultural Research Project of which it forms part). The basis for this talk is the presentation of the first three…(Read More)
Screening of a film proposed by Agnès Pedrós followed by a discussion…(Read More)
Forms of formless knowledge
The LCD brings together researchers from the human sciences based in different countries around the world. The objective guiding the Laboratory’s activities implies thinking about the history of societies in a comparative way, giving priority to work with forgotten, lost, hidden or poorly distributed documents; documents that make it possible to open up new…(Read More)
Screening of a film proposed by David Feito followed by a discussion…(Read More)
Screening of a film proposed by Susana Talayero followed by a discussion…(Read More)
One wall productions
Affect/Production presents a performance at Bulegoa z/b, as the result of a weeklong collaborative workshop that takes place in Bilbao and the surrounding area. With artists Ingeborg Entrop, Frederik Gruyaerts, Yunjoo Kwak, Toeh Meisami, Lara Morais, Emilio Moreno, Charlotte Rooijackers, Gonçalo Sena, Vanja Smiljanic, Vittoria Soddu, Witta Tjan and Barbara Wagner. Affect…(Read More)
Forms of formless knowledge
An evening hosted by artist Phil Collins as he introduces and refuses to answer any questions on two recent works – soy mi madre (2008) and marxism today (prologue) (2010). soy mi madre Shot in México City, soy mi madre is a telenovela-inspired tale of love, betrayal and family intrigue that examines the intricate…(Read More)
BGE, Lessons, Uncategorized
First lesson
p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } “Primera lección” is an encounter between artists to be carried out as two series of presentations by artists involved in investigative processes. The encounter will take place to coincide with a visit to Bilbao by the Dutch Art Institute ArtEZ Master of Fine Art group, from the Masters programme…(Read More)
Screening of a film proposed by Cristian Villavicencio followed by a discussion…(Read More)