Urak dakar / Workshops

Urak dakar, (Water carries) is the 2022-2023 edition of the Bulegoa z/b programme Space is the Place / The Place is Space. Begun in 2018, the programme title paraphrases the 1974 Afrofuturist film by Sun Ra.

The Urak dakar four workshops were conducted by Raúl Domínguez, Jeleton, Marion Cruza Le Bihan and Aitor Izagirre, and Tripak. Each of them was based on methodologies and concerns proposed by the artists. Participants belonged to different generations and fields of knowledge outside the art world, but be motivated by curiosity and a wish for shared experiences.

Urak dakar is supported by the Basque Government, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia and Zinebi 64.