Session Interactive (Trans)feminisms proposed by Koldo Gutiérrez.
A double session in which we will be playing two very special videogames about feminism, care and anxiety. This is because videogames can also transmit sensations and ideas through their stories and, especially, through their mechanics. They are perfect tools for generating empathy and for putting ourselves in other people’s shoes and getting to know situations that might in principle be foreign to us. They enable us to connect with different problems and in this session we will be focusing on transsexuality and the work of care in the home.
Everyone attending the session can play if they bring a laptop. Afterwards, there will be a forum for discussion, debate and reflection.
Dys4ia (Anna Anthropy, 2012) tells the autobiographical experience of its creator’s difficult process of gender transition. (Duration: 5 minutes)
In Behind Every Great One (Deconstructeam, 2018) we control the wife of a successful and eccentric artist, who must be attentive to his every need. (Duration: 30 minutes)
Koldo Gutiérrez is a cultural journalist and teaches interactive narrative.