Juan Domínguez: Between what is there and what is not yet


Juan Domínguez wishes to suspend events and build an interval in time where his past can be integrated with his future. This work formulates his visions and need to encounter the unknown through language. This is the first time in sixteen years that Domínguez is working alone. Before, his solo pieces were choreographed using written cards read out by the audience. This time, he will be speaking about himself in a self portrait in which he quotes – in the widest sense of the word – some of his friends and himself.

Admittance: 5 €
Tickets available online, at the BAD office and at Bulegoa z/b 30 minutes before opening.
Limited seating available.

Concept & interpretation: Juan Domínguez
Production: Juan Domínguez
Support: Tanznacht Berlin, Tanzfabrik Berlin/ apap-advancing performing arts project – Performing Europe 2020 / EU – Creative Europe Programme.
Executive production: Manyone

Juan Domínguez is a conceptual clown, magic cowboy, poet model and pleasure curator in the performing arts, dance, theatre and performance. He lives and works in Madrid, Berlin and Brussels. His work explores the relationship between different codes and he advocates a total dissolution between fiction and reality, using one to create the other and vice versa.

Entre lo que está y lo que todavía no está (Between what is there and what is not yet) is presented as part of the Bilbao BAD festival, Bilbao, in collaboration with Bulegoa z/b. Juan Domínguez will also present My Only Memory on October 18, in the context of the BAD festival.