Cinema and truth
“Theories of Vision, Film and Truth”. Seminar with Sarah Vanagt and Katrien Vanagt
In response to the invitation from the International Festival of Documentary and Short Film of Bilbao, Zinebi’s 57th edition, Bulegoa zenbaki barik, office for art and knowledge proposes a special session on Cinema and Historic Truth with the Belgian director Sarah Vanagt (1976) and a seminar, Theories of Vision, Film and Truth where we can take an in-depth look at her way of making and understanding cinema. During the seminar, which will take place at Bulegoa z/b, we will think with Vanagt about her interest in film as a language, form and medium, and try to answer the following question: What is it that only film can do? Historian Katrien Vanagt, who has specialised in the writings on Ophthalmology of Dutch physician Vopiscus Fortunatus Plempius, and directed the film In Waking Hours (2015) with Sarah Vanagt. We will talk with both of them about the relationship between theories of vision, film and truth.
To take part in the seminar, which will take place at Bulegoa z/b from 10:00 to 14:00, please contact
10:00 – 10:20. Introduction by Bulegoa z/b
10:30 – 11:45. Presentation by Sarah Vanagt. Screening of parts of films by her and others.
11:45 – 12:00. Open discussion
12:00 – 12:15. Break
12:15 – 13:15. Screening of In Waking Hours (Sarah Vanagt and Katrien Vanagt, 2015, 18 min) and presentation by Katrien Vanagt.
13:15 – 14:00. Camera obscura; closure.
Sarah Vanagt (1976) is a Belgian filmmaker. In her documentaries, installations, audiovisuals and photographs, she combines an interest in History with a desire to explore the origins of film. Since 2013 she has made a large number of short and medium-length films, including After Years of Walking (2003), Little Figures (2003), Begin Began Begun (2005), Boulevard d’Ypres (2010), The Corridor (2010); and audiovisual installations such as Les Mouchoirs de Kabila (2005), Power Cut (2007) and Ash Tree (2007). Her work has been shown at international film festivals and in museums. The film Dust Breeding (2013) was screened at the Zinebi festival in 2014.
Katrien Vanagt (1977) Science historian, who has a particular interest in the transmission of knowledge. After her thesis, The Emancipation of the Eye, V.F. Plempius’ Ophthalmographia and Modern Theories of Vision, the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Knowledge awarded her a position at the Huygens-KNAW Institute in order to continue with her postdoctoral research. Recently awarded the Sarton Medal by Ghent University. Vanagt publishes articles, gives talks and works on the reconstruction of historical experiments on vision and the camera obscura; in relation to which she worked on the film In Waking Hours (2015) with Sarah Vanagt.
Zinebi. International Festival of Documentary and Short Film of Bilbao
57th edition