
Residency: From 22 November to 2 December, 2024.
Call: From 25 July to 9 October, 2024
Communication of the selection: 24 October, 2024.

Casa de Residencias del Centro Cultural de España en Costa Rica
San José, Costa Rica

The residency is open to curators, researchers and cultural managers who wish to use the platform of the Spanish Cultural Centre in Costa Rica to complement their research and curatorial links in issues such as ecology, climate change and sustainability, processes of urban transformation, environment and habitability through the experience of their residency.

The Casa de Residencias (Residency House) of the Spanish Cultural Centre in Costa Rica is a space for experimentation and collaborative and collective creation, conceived as a place of encounter, activation, exchange and debate, where ideas, processes and methodologies are placed in question. It is based on principles such as experimentation in a collaborative environment, apprenticeship within and outside the institution, artistic creation as a process of research and action, amongst others. Its aims include stimulating creative processes and artistic production, improving the mobility of cultural agents, and generating environments of apprenticeship for local and regional artistic agents.

This initiative arises from a process of cultural collaboration developed by the Spanish Cultural Centre (CCE – Centro Cultural de España) in Costa Rica and Bulegoa z/b since 2021. Both entities are united by an agreement for a two-way cooperation to support the research and exchange of cultural workers between the Basque Country and Costa Rica.




Residency: From 22 November to 2 December, 2024.
Call: From 25 July to 9 October, 2024
Communication of the selection: 24 October, 2024.

  • AIMS

The aims of this residency are as follows: 

  • To support the internationalization of the creative work of cultural agents from Costa Rica, encouraging artistic exchange with Spain.
  • To provide a joint response by the institutions to the need to work in support of cultural agents, attending to interests such as the ecology, climate change and sustainability, processes of urban transformation, environment and habitability. 

One person will be selected for the residency.

Under the terms of the residency the Spanish Cultural Centre in Costa Rica will provide the resident with the following:

  • Travel from and to the airport.
  • Travel to studio visits.
  • Lodging, workshop and workspace.
  • 1000€ fee for the resident (subjected to deduction of income tax – IRPF).
  • Promotion of the resident’s public activities and logistical support in the presentation of their research. 

And Bulegoa z/b will provide the following:

  • Return flight  BILBAO-SAN JOSÉ-BILBAO.
  • Travel insurance for the duration of the residency.
  • Travel and subsistence (T&S) allowance $330 USD.

The person selected will take responsibility for meeting travel requirements concerning health measures involving the two countries, migration and/or border controls. 


The activities of the residency have a public character and are integrated in the program of the CCE. In this way, the curator, researcher or cultural manager can connect with the local artistic community, as well as make their work known and create alliances for their research and lines of work.

The resident’s activities are as follows:

  1. Organizing a workshop from Monday 25 to Friday 29 November from 9:00 to 12:00.
  2. Viewings of their portfolio on Thursday 28 and Friday 29 November from 14:00 to 17:00.
  3. Organizing studio visits on Monday 25, Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 November from 14:00 to 17:00.
  4. Presenting their research, Thursday 28 November 19:00.

The participants in the workshop, the viewings of the portfolio and the studio visits will be selected by public call, which will be designed previously by the resident and the CCE. The studio visits, with transportation provided by our driver, will be limited to the central Mesta at a maximum distance of 10km from the CCE. 


The residency is open to adult curators, researchers and cultural managers who, irrespective of their nationality, live in the Basque Country with legal migratory status. This aid is specifically intended for individual curators, researchers and cultural managers. Although it is open to collectives, associations and other organizations, the residency will be awarded to a single individual. 


The decision will be made on the basis of the following criteria: 

  • The workshop provides the participants with tools for cultural management and curatorship, is of high quality, and is coherent with the thematic lines of the call and the resident’s lines of research.
  • The research that is to be conducted is of high quality and coherent with the thematic lines of the call.
  • The candidate’s trajectory is coherent with the workshop and the research presented.
  • The workshop, the research and the trajectory are compatible with the lines of research and program of the CCE.
  • Viability and suitability of the resources and space of the CCE.
  • The project’s public dimension.

Projects that incite hatred of minorities, or are discriminatory or offend against human rights for reasons of sexual orientation, ethnic minorities, functional diversity, etc., will be rejected.


Candidates must present their applications in virtual format, using the web form, before the end of the application period; the following documents must be attached to the application: 

  • Workshop proposal that includes: brief 200 word description; program/agenda for each of the 5 sessions; target audience.
  • Dossier/deck of their research.
  • Biographical outline of 200 words.
  • Up-to-date CV.
  • The documentation will only be accepted using the call’s application form.
  • All material should be sent digitally, in a single PDF file (5Mb maximum) titled NAME_SURNAME_RESIDENCIA.PDF


From 25 July to 9 October 2024.

  • JURY

The projects will be evaluated by a mixed jury from the Spanish Cultural Centre in Costa Rica and the members of Bulegoa z/b.


When the decision has been made on the call, it will be made public on the website and/or social media of the institutions involved, no later than 24 October, as well as by email. There will be no additional correspondence or communications with the applicants who have not been selected.


The person selected must promote communication and feedback of the creative process, as well as disseminate this residency on the social media of the two institutions involved. To this end they should: document the creative process in real time with photographs and/or video on their social media; send their social media links with the documentary material to the Spanish Cultural Centre and Bulegoa z/b on every Monday that the residency lasts. 

The person selected must provide prior information on any alteration to the workshop proposal that was envisaged and that might entail a significant alteration to the original proposal presented. They must justify the reasons for that alteration, which might be approved or rejected in the light of the evaluation of the information provided. 

The residency and activities deriving from it will form part of the 2024 program of the CCE and Bulegoa z/b. The public activities will be carried out during the workshop period. Residing in the Casa de Residencias is a requirement during the workshop period.  At weekends the resident will be able to travel to other parts of Costa Rica on their own initiative. Travel from and to the airport will only be done from and to the Casa de Residencias.


The person selected must sign the acceptance and commitment agreement document that the Spanish Cultural Centre and Bulegoa z/b send them. 

The beneficiary’s signing the acceptance and commitment agreement document and, where appropriate, a receipt, will be an essential condition for receiving the support that has been awarded. 

Acceptance of the support implies that the project presented will be developed to its full completion. 

With respect to the stay in the Casa de Residencias of the CCE, the person selected commits themself to fully respect and fulfil everything related to security, order and the respectful treatment of the space and their companions.  


The support will be paid in advance to facilitate the smooth development of the residency, following acceptance by the person selected and their signing the agreement of acceptance and commitment.


The resident cedes the right to use the images documenting their activities for dissemination in the residencies program of the CCE and Bulegoa z/b.

The resident commits themself to name and label the CCE and Bulegoa z/b in the personal dissemination of the material and activities generated during their residency in the CCE.


The fact of participating in this call entails acceptance of its conditions and its resolution, which will be irrevocable, as well as renunciation of any type of appeal.

Fill out the following form to send us your proposal:

Attach your proposal in PDF, group all the documents in a single file with a maximum of 5Mb


    Fill out the following form to send us your proposal:

    Attach your proposal in PDF, group all the documents in a single file with a maximum of 5Mb.

    Attach your proposal in PDF, group all the documents in a single file with a maximum of 5Mb

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