One wall productions
Listenings: When It’s Not Nighttime. Kantia Diego Miera
If I feel
I find myself
with words
through movement
I am word
I am sound
I am image
Lorena Álvarez and María Valle in “Small Forms which Grow under the Snow”.
Víctor Esther in “Intellectually, Politically Up to Here”.
Paco Diego (1927-1998) in “One Summer Afternoon Looking at Photos You Kept”.
Kantia Diego Miera (1980), daughter of Javi and Eva. Living.
Listenings is the name of a series of sessions in which artists are invited to display their work for a day in our space, accompanying it with music. We want to extend the concept of listening into the reception of an artist’s work, over a day-long period.
The first in the Listenings series is part of Summer Solstice, a joint celebration of the beginning of summer by La Taller, Espacio Puerta, and Bulegoa z/b, to be held over a whole day.