Forty-seventh session, Cine_ilegal


Film screening proposed by Jeleton, followed by a debate.

Born In Flames (Lizzie Borden, 1983)

We’re on a rush, we sign whatever as outlaws forever. We just talk talk, what’s goin’ on, what’s goin’ against. We don’t agree, we ain’t free. We have our books, we ain’t no fools. We broadcast, we are outcasts. We have a stance we dance. We mutter we stutter. Whisper to you, whisper to all. We’ll talk to you if you wanna listen, we’ll listen if you wanna talk.

Jeleton is a team operating with visual, sound and textual repertoires. Lately we are preparing radio broadcasts, inspired by the radio programs Hacia el Sur en el Atlántico and Sangre Fucsia, and by this film, Born In Flames.