
Presentation by Danele Sarriugarte Mochales as part of her residency at Bulegoa z/b. Her proposal Letra xehez idaztea was selected for residency along with Left/Write! (Rescript) by Simon Asencio in our 2023 open call. The jury was composed of Aimar Arriola (curator, editor and researcher), Laida Lertxundi (artist) and the three members of Bulegoa z/b.

Danele Sarriugarte Mochales: Letra xehez idaztea
Letra xehez idaztea is a search for and experimentation with a new way of writing/saying. Lower case writing/saying places writing in a new position, it shifts what is written/said; it seeks to find a new textual form, to explore and force the limits of what can be written and said setting out from material of my own, examining the plurality of voices that can emerge from there.

I will take as my starting point three texts that I have published in recent years: Zer gertatzen da K herrian ilargi beteko gauetan?; Haragia eta porlana and Popperra, afterra, utopia. These are three approaches to lower case writing, although they were written without much awareness or reflection about this new way of writing.

Although there is continuity with respect to my two previous novels, there is a substantial change of voice and, in spite of autobiographical material forming the basis of the texts, the viewpoints and voices divide and multiply. The three texts were written on commission, but in all of them I detect elements that I wish to continue investigating and with which I want to test whether, once free of the limitations if the commission, they can take me elsewhere.

Danele Sarriugarte Mochales (Elgoibar, 1989). Writer and translator. She has published two novels and several stories, and has translated the work of different writers (Angela Davis, Eva Ilouz and McKenzie Wark, amongst others). Every three weeks she conducts in-depth interviews for the Jendeak (People) section of the magazine Argia, and sometimes collaborates with other media. At present she is presenting the spectacle Poppera, afterra, utopia together with Miren Narbaiza of MICE. She is a member of Ehgam of Donostialdea, and organises the reading group Iraqueerle.