Permanent Ordinary Seminar
In our fifth session of Seminario Permanente Ordinaria (Permanent Ordinary Seminar), Antonio García and Amparo Lasén will be presenting Los circuitos de la vergüenza (The circuits of shame). Seminario Permanente Ordinaria is a public collaborative programme running in 2020 – 2021 through a series of conversations and online and face-to-face encounters. Diego del Pozo Barriuso and Leticia Sabsay will be present as commentators.
In this talk we will present our current research on the particular emotion of shame – as an example of ordinary affect, a way of affecting and being affected that shapes and mobilises our experiences and everyday relationships; and also because of the close relationship of shame to order and social ordering, meaning processes of social structuring and exclusion that the term “ordinary” can also refer to. What is set by, maintained and questioned by norms, and what is appropriated or not, are aspects that mark what is able to shame us; as are the ways of causing it, of reproving what we consider not to be appropriate and those women and men we also consider not to be. Our research follows the circulation of shame in circuits that map forms of sociability and vulnerability in close relationships, paying attention to how it relates to social norms, and to the close relation between shame and processes of subjectivisation and desubjectivisation bound to whether or not we adapt to the different social mandates and expectations we have to address – meaning, how the different types of shame that circulate can adhere to certain bodies, certain things, discourses and situations. We will illustrate our talk with examples of the windows of this investigation, where gender and gender relations play a crucial role: the shame and embarrassment associated with our shared images on the Web; and the shame in male experiences of long-term unemployment.
To take part in the online/face-to-face session, please contact
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Antonio A. García García, profesor de Sociología en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) y miembro del grupo Sociología Ordinaria. A través de la pregunta por las masculinidades y sus retorteros, en sus investigaciones persigue las implicaciones de la hombría en los cuerpos, los afectos, los haceres, las domesticidades y su (re)producción cultural.
Amparo Lasén Díaz, profesora de Sociología en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) y miembro del grupo Sociología Ordinaria. Sus líneas de investigación han estado ligadas primero a las temporalidades y las prácticas y experiencias juveniles, y luego a la cultura digital, vinculada a las relaciones de género, la intimidad y los afectos.
Diego del Pozo Barriuso. Artist and professor at the Fine Art Faculty, Universidad de Salamanca; member of the artist collectives C.A.S.I.T.A., Subtramas and Declinación Magnética. Currently working on a project on forms of hate.
Leticia Sabsay. Professor at the Department of Gender Studies, London School of Economic and Political Science University. Published works include The Political Imaginary of Sexual Freedom (2016) and Vulnerability in Resistance (2016), co-edited with Judith Butler and Zeynep Gambetti.