
  • Anthropomorphic sculpture from the Jama Coaque culture (Integration period, 800-1532 AC) and Haptic Cameras.

Presentation and intervention in the Bulegoa z/b office by Cristian Villavicencio as part of his residency in our space. His project Tecnologías de la experiencia has been made possible by a collaborative agreement with the Comuna residency programme at the Guayaquil University of the Arts, Ecuador.

Tecnologías de la experiencia is intended as an initial listening to and exhibition of recorded material from the Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon in 2019, as part of the Voces del Bosque residency programme, and also from the archeological reserves of the Guayaquil Museum of Anthropology and Contemporary Art. The project poses the following questions: Can we think of different, situated forms of technological knowledge (cosmotechnical, according to Yuk Hui)? If so, what would be the nature of these kinds of material? The intervention at Bulegoa z/b will attempt to use the audiovisual medium to excavate the office’s geological layers, while also thinking about the highly sophisticated listening methods used by inhabitants of the Amazon to orient themselves and relate to their environment.

To take part in the session on 24 March, please contact

CAPACITY: 15 maximum

The intervention in the Bulegoa z/b space –with the collaboration of Silvia Coppola– will be open to the public on 25 March from 17:00 to 20:00.

Cristian Villavicencio (Quito, 1984). Artist, professor at Universidad de las Artes, Guayaquil Ecuador. Currently working on his thesis at Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). His work has been exhibited at the following museums and events: Fundación BilbaoArte Fundazioa; Centro Cultural Montehermoso Kulturunea; Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria; 10 years Interface Cultures Exhibition, Arte Actual FLACSO, Quito; Universidad de las Artes Guayaquil; and others. In 2016 he took part in the Basque Artist Program organized by the Guggenheim Museums New York / Bilbao. He has worked in residency programmes such as Voces del Bosque – Parque Nacional Yasuní, Ecuador (2019); York University, Sensorium Centre for Digital Media Research, Toronto (2015); Interface Cultures Department, University of Art and Design, Linz, Austria (2014); MA Studio, Beijing (2012).